every city tells a story……..

In the footsteps of Giants’ (fans)

Want to relive this jubilent week of civic pride?  Take a run down the route of the World Series Victory parade along Market Street, starting at the Ferry Building and turning in toward Civic Center Plaza at 7th.  Just don’t forget to wear your orange and black!

I’ll admit to an appalling lack of knowledge of baseball.  There are no brothers in my family and I am biologically challenged when it comes to catching or throwing a ball.   My theory is that as I posess no soft focus childhood memories, there is nothing on which to hang my fascination.   But festivity of this magnitude is infectious.

When I exited the door from my gym into the ever increasing swarm of orange and black fans, I too was swept up by the cheering crowd.  Let’s-go-giants  Let’s-go-giants serenading me all the way down the mile and half to Civic Center.  It isn’t a long run and blissfully flat, perfect for running tired after a workout which is my typical Wednesday routine.  If you cross over to the North side of Market, the street lights are a bit less complicated.  If you need more miles, tag on the Embarcadero.

Random theories from the internet on why the Giants’ Team Colors are orange and black.

~why not?

~always been that way

~John McCraw took over the Giants in 1905, coming from a team with team colors of Black and Orange.  (not to be confused with Orange and Black, mind you).  That team being the Baltimore Orioles.

~Giants adopted Orange and Black and White in 1947 to 1957 when they were in NYC because they felt like it, then moved to San Francisco and kept it for the same reason.

~San Francisco is crazy for Halloween.

~on the Wednesday after the November election, anything is better than red, white and blue.

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