every city tells a story……..

SLO inaugural

I have to admit, this half was not one of my favorites.     Rolling meant hilly and for this, I wasn’t quite prepared.  I had a cold with a bad cough and there was a surprisingly long list of life’s little paper cuts that happened to me in the week preceding which soured my disposition.  While that isn’t fair to the SLO Half,  that is just how life is sometimes.   Not quite fair.

I ran hard because something needed to go right.

I stayed in a hotel admittedly just a few blocks from downtown.  But my decision to walk into town rather than driving made SLO feel like a suburb of LA with all the charm of an off-ramp to the mall.  A  once over glance lead me to believe most stores were  stores I had seen before and that I needn’t bother with the rest.

Morro Bay on other hand has an understated seaside fishing village charm, albeit with a quirky backdrop of nuclear power plants stacks.  Any town that can include a 1970’s bank as one of the highlights of it’s historic downtown walking tour will grow on you if you give it a chance. 


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