every city tells a story……..

The 10K….

What I learned at my 10K today~

Don’t run as fast as you can because it is only six miles, because it is still six miles and if you run too fast at the start, the coffee you had on the way over won’t feel like it should.  OK duh.  But hey…..  it happens.

Thinking about all the pie you ate over thanksgiving and what Sally meant when she said that thing that she always says does NOT help your speed.

My race legs seem to be quite shy on a course so familiar.    Instead of chanting, my standard ‘you can do it’, or ‘fast and easy,’  I find myself thinking ‘i know this hill, I hate this hill.’  The “home court” syndrome exists and it is not to my advantage.

Be certain to buy the new shoes your chiropractor insisted you buy before the race, truly before the race instead of using the only pair that isn’t worn out only to remember the reason why they are not worn out after mile 2.

Try writing down your splits because the old system of setting the intervals to the mile markers doesn’t work when you can’t find them.

Go get your delicious Huevos Rancheros at the place your friend wanted to try because you should always celebrate your PR, and technically this is one!


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